Any donations are welcomed with open arms and increased decibels of sound & fury.
Interested in camping with DISTRIKT at Burning Man this year?
The Deep End/DISTRIKT is an official “non-profit” – What does this mean? It means your donations (formally your dues) are tax-deductable from your personal income taxes! You need only keep your receipt for your paypal donation or a copy of your posted check to file with your 2012 taxes! Pretty awesome!!
Payments can be made via PayPal to .
If you are new, before camping with us WE ALSO REQUIRE a reference from a current or past member — a name and email address will do.
Minimum Donations and Due Dates
- Tier 1: $119 through 5/30/12
- Tier 2: $139 through 6/30/12
- Tier 3: $159 7/01/12 and after
Because The Deep End (Distrikt) is a non-profit, your donation can be tax deductible, so please keep a copy of your PayPal receipt or posted check for your tax records.